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Access a distribution's odds function. The odds of an event having probability p is p / (1 - p).


eval_odds(distribution, at)

enframe_odds(..., at, arg_name = ".arg", fn_prefix = "odds", sep = "_")


distribution, ...

A distribution, or possibly multiple distributions in the case of ....


Vector of values to evaluate the representation at.


For enframe_, name of the column containing the function arguments. Length 1 character vector.


For enframe_, name of the function to appear in the column(s). Length 1 character vector.


When enframe'ing more than one distribution, the character that will be separating the fn_name and the distribution name. Length 1 character vector.


The evaluated representation in vector form (for eval_) with length matching the length of at, and data frame or tibble form (for enframe_) with number of rows matching the length of at. The at input occupies the first column, named .arg by default, or the specification in arg_name; the evaluated representations for each distribution in ... go in the subsequent columns (one column per distribution). For a single distribution, this column is named according to the representation by default (cdf, survival, quantile, etc.), or the value in fn_prefix. For multiple distributions, unnamed distributions are auto-named, and columns are named <fn_prefix><sep><distribution_name> (e.g., cdf_distribution1).

See also

Other distributional representations: eval_cdf(), eval_chf(), eval_density(), eval_hazard(), eval_pmf(), eval_quantile(), eval_return(), eval_survival()


d <- dst_pois(1)
eval_pmf(d, at = c(1, 2, 2.5))
#> Warning: non-integer x = 2.500000
#> [1] 0.3678794 0.1839397 0.0000000
eval_odds(d, at = c(1, 2, 2.5))
#> Warning: non-integer x = 2.500000
#> [1] 0.5819767 0.2253997 0.0000000
enframe_odds(d, at = 0:4)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#>    .arg   odds
#>   <int>  <dbl>
#> 1     0 0.582 
#> 2     1 0.582 
#> 3     2 0.225 
#> 4     3 0.0653
#> 5     4 0.0156